So, we've found a place to live for the next year. It's pretty awesome. An entire house for me, A and F. It'll be good. At least I hope it will be. The landlady has proven to less than likeable so far. Let's just say that she does things in a way that I would never dream of and most certainly do not approve of. Still, I don't imagine we'll have to see her too much over the next year. Here's to a good year.
I've been to quite a few movies over the past two weeks. First, I saw
The Island. And I have to say, I love you Ewan McGregor,and Scarlett Johansson you are a major hottie, but you are both way better actors than this.... how could you choose to be in this film? To anyone who has seen it... since when does credit card fraud require an entire precinct of police officers armed with big ass guns?? Yes, that question requires TWO question marks. I mean, I won't say that it wasn't mildly enjoyable. I loved the major product placement. And there was some dialogue that was priceless... "we are the island" (visual: Ewan and Scarlett doing the nasty... eww... did I mention that he is old enough to plausibly be her father! That is SO wrong.) Still, on a whole, it was about as good as a Bruckheimer film (that's funny. Cause Bruckheimer, not only has a massive forehead, but is also famous for
Armageddon and
National Treasure. -- apparently, there is a
National Treasure 2 coming out. Ya. I know. The true Armageddon is coming).
Next, I saw
Wedding Crashers. It was pretty funny. Cameo by Will Ferrell was the best part though. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but then again, I wouldn't say don't see it. It's hilarious, but it doesn't need to be seen in the theatre. Unless you really need to see giant images of women, some clad only in their underwear, others brazenly baring their buxom bubbies (Alliteration Rules!!!!!!), falling backwards onto a bed. Still, that lasts a total of about
40 seconds. In my opinion, not worth ten bucks.
Yesterday, I saw
Batman Begins. There are so many good actors in it: Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Cillian Murphy (who I've loved ever since
28 Days Later), Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Tom Wilkinson (one of the freakiest man ever). And I guess, I can't really complain about Katie Holmes. She was pretty decent. It was an attractive looking film. And in that, I don't mean the actual scenery was pretty, but rather that it added a lot to the feel of the film. Very dark. Very well done.
Couple of things I don't understand though. I don't think this will wreck the movie for anyone, but just in case, don't read this next paragraph. When Batman's parents die, why is it so lame? Ok, I know I'm watching a movie based on a comic book, but when his father dies, it looks like he's going to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon, just because he can. And also, the Wayne mansion is made out of stone bricks. Why would a fire make it completely collapse? Or am I just majorly illusioned about the strength of a brick home? Also, what's up with the super nipply scene with Katie Holmes. Is that really necessary?
The best part of the film is when Christian Bale is Batman. He completely changes his voice, and it's super theatrical and ridiculous. I laughed out loud when I first saw it. Naturally, I'm probably the only person who found it funny. But seriously, it was classic. Just watch the way he moves his mouth. So exaggerated. So awesome. I can't stay away from the topic of Cillian Murphy. Not only do I find him attractive, in an odd sort of way, but he fully succeeded in creeping me out as Dr. Crane/Scarecrow. He's attractive and talented! Man, when he put that stupid potato sack over his head, I cringed every time. Not to mention those nasty CGI maggots. Barf.
Of course, the screenwriter couldn't avoid the occasional cliched line, i.e. "I've got to get me one of those". Still, as far as comic book based movies go, I laughed the least in this one. Haha, hey Rafferty, remember Spiderman 2? Overall, it's a good film. I'd go see it just to support Christian Bale, a wholly underrated actor.
Totally different topic
So the local rock station C-Jay 92.. it's pretty good. It plays music that I enjoy. Anyways, they'll have themed weekends... like one weekend they highlight the rolling stones or bands that have broken up blah blah.... but why do they choose things that just lets them play exactly the same music they play anyways? So, even though they're having this special "Rolling Stones" weekend, we hear this music everyday anyhow. What's the point?
Why should I change my name? He's the one who sucks.