so many questions.... so few answers
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Everyone is so hard to get ahold of. And the ones you can get ahold of, don't want to come out if this person is coming, and of course that said person is always willing to come. So despite the fact that you've actually gotten in touch with two people, you can only have one because they effectively cancel each other out. And everyone always says, "Oh I really wish I could come but...". Always the qualifier. Always. Why? Why do I end up liking pretty much everyone I meet, but everyone else is so goddamn picky?
I'll do laundry tomorrow I guess. Maybe I'll check out the Sun and Salsa Festival on Sunday. And on my birthday I'll sleep in, open up the lovely presents that I've been saving from my family, and maybe treat myself to a little shopping spree. And I do mean little, I'm going to have to pay my tuition soon. Maye some earrings from Wanderlust... perhaps my favourite shop in all of Cowtown. Maybe I'll try to read a little more Hemingway. Or maybe I'll reread the latest Harry Potter. I read it too quickly the first time trying to avoid spoilers from my coworker. I was in the same room as her for five minutes the day after the book came out and she was able to reveal significant hints about two major plot points from the book. And believe me, they were the two most important elements of the book. Thank-you Cindy.
Moving on....
Go see the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Some people say it's "dark", but I've a secret to tell you.... they're morons. Have you ever seen a Disney film? Seriously, have you? Because if the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is dark, then every Disney movie ever made is dark. Just because Willy Wonka's character was given a little more depth than the previous musical version starring Gene Wilder. I mean, Gene Wilder's hair in the first one constitutes sheer darkness. The most severe cause of pubichead ever accounted. That's frightening. The Oompa Loompas are a tad annoying in the new film. But the songs are better. And apparently, God heard the prayers of millions of little children... Tim Burton did not attempt to put in the Cheer up Charlie song into the film. That would have been dark. Also, the new Charlie isn't hideous like in the old one. He's actually one of the most adorable kids I've seen in awhile. Especially with the flood pants. He breaks my heart he's so cute. He's positively eatable with his adorable-osity. And that's frowned upon in most societies. See the movie.
That makes me wonder. If they can find children like that for one movie, why can't they find them for all children's roles? Why the hell do kids like Haley Joel Osment, or the three runts from the Harry Potter films ever get cast? Why? Why? I mean, Freddie Highmore (Charlie)... Dakota Fanning...? These kids are amazing, and then Mr. I see dead people and "No talent and ugly" Radcliffe, "I'm cute but overannunciate everything" Watson and "Just plain annoying and did i mention i'm a redhead " Grint have more money than I'll probably ever have. And for what?!?!?!?!?!?!? Luck, cause it sure as hell isn't talent... hence my rant in the first place.
Moving on....
Actually that's everything.
And remember... candy is dandy... but liqour is quicker. Friggin' A.
Nice work on capturing the essence of child actors you should not have work. I liked it... especially Just plain annoying and did I mention I'm a redhead. Classic.
who not you