
23.8.05 Leave a Comment

Before I get to the purpose of this post, I thought I'd mention my recent discovery of The Arcade Fire. Though I heard of them many many moons ago, I just downloaded some of their songs this afternoon.. and I enjoy them very much indeed! Check them out.....

I've changed the name of my blog simply because I can. I decided that my original name was lame, and didn't really suit what this blog has grown into. As you may notice from the new name, this blog has basically mutated into not only a time waster, but a spot for me to rant and rave incessantly about really innocuous and picayune (new word!) things. I also realized that I often quickly grow tired of things. So, instead of keeping a permanent title, I think I might end up changing it every couple weeks or so. Or, whenever I feel the urge. Kind of like when I had my fish. First it was Cleo (like in Pinocchio), then it was Wanda (like in A Fish Called Wanda), and for the last few weeks before it's totally brutal and unexpected death (and I sometimes suspect murder... it was a tough little goldfish) Mergatroyd (like in Miss Marple: A Murder is Announced).

She wasn't there....(spoken with english accent)