I'm just not cut out for it.....it's just one of those things you have to learn to accept
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You see, I live this kind of luckless existence where every job that I am hired for is excessively boring. For my first couple jobs, the first month or two was bearable. Not to sound high on myself, but I am a fairly intelligent person. [I'm lacking in some areas,obviously (**author has flashes of grade five and writing mad minutes, oh gawd), but on a whole I pick things up quickly.] My problem with my first two jobs was that I was horribly shy. I'm still a little shy, but now it's mostly just me acknowledging my distaste and poor skills at making small talk with people I don't know or have any desire to know. Anyways, I needed those two months to become comfortable with my environment and my coworkers enough to really start getting comfortable with the tasks I was supposed to perform. That might sound good... shy girl is becoming comfortable. But then you have to realize that after this point the reality about my jobs begin to sink in. There was rarely any variance in my daily tasks. There was rarely any variance in my coworkers. In fact, after awhile I usually ended up working by myself. All the time. All Alone. All the goddamn time.
I've had six different jobs since I started working at fifteen, and at three of them I spent most of my time playing solitaire on a computer. Three(!) of six. 50% of all the jobs I've had have been SO SO slow that I could play solitaire endlessly. And I still suck at it!!! So what have I gained from this experience except for a very high tolerance to the amount of time I can spend losing solitaire games.
There must be something horribly wrong with me that the only people that will hire me are those hiring for jobs that require constantly being alone, or constantly being bored, or constantly doing menial tasks for the dregs of society. I'm sure all my employers, past, present and future, all think upon the sight of me, "hmmm, this girl looks like a bloody moron. Good thing that this job gives absolutely nothing to society. She can't screw anything too much. Nope. Okay, so sometimes young impressionable children come in here. But if we keep her locked up with all the urine scented trash novels, we should be safe."

Maybe I'm just not cut out for the work force. I've always been suspicious that that was the case. Maybe I really am just cut out for marrying rich. And that's no joke.
So there really was no purpose to this post, except that I noticed this morning at work that I was in a horrible mood. Truly awful. Oddly, almost as soon as I stepped out of the store I felt a hell of a lot better. Actually the purpose of this post is probably to keep me busy. My loser boyfriend is getting sick (scoff... friggin' baby). So, he isn't entertaining me this evening. I HATE him (joke). I LOVE capitals (no joke). If I was a better actor I'd try to pull the YOU DON'T LOVE ME bit. Unfortunately, while it would provide me with unlimited enjoyment, it would probably freak him out --it's only been a couple weeks. My pride won't allow me to outright make someone think I'm a loser. Especially if I can avoid it. After all, I think I'm already pushing the limit by teasing him about his being lovers with his best friend. Maybe he should be your girlfriend. Now, THAT'S funny.
And as a great man once said....Kkkenny's cccoming to kkkill me!
you're whoring it up with another boy? my my... how the city has changed us.
i hate when people use other people's blogs to either promote their own or leave totally irrelevant messages. it's one thing if you comment and then say 'hey, check out my blog'. but if you just leave your blog address, that's lame... and i will delete it and go to your blog and leave rude comments!!! well, no i won't really. i can't be bothered. but i will delete them for sure.