seriously t-oed.
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I'm seriously t-oed with my landlord at the moment. It's a longish story but, hell, I have the time and you're probably trying to waste some. So here goes....
Some man who works for my landlord came to the door yesterday morning and asked me if I could mow the backyard. Naturally, I said yes. After all, I do realize it's my responsibility. Still in my defense I'd like to add that I am not used to doing yard work of any kind. If anything, I helped my mother in her garden. (And that I avoided like the plague because I hate all bugs. I'm a wimp regarding them.] In fact, I've never mowed a lawn in my life. It's not really something that comes up on my to do list. Which is exactly why I hadn't done it: it never occurred to me. In addition, I never go to the backyard, so I never see how tall the grass is growing.
I didn't mow the lawn yesterday. Despite it being my day off, I had had two interviews earlier in the day (one of which I actually got the job for, hurrah! -- though I have a sneaking suspicion that I was the only person to drop off a resume) and I was incredibly tired when I got home around 3:00. I took a nap. Well, I slept for close to five hours and when I woke up I didn't feel much better. So, I didn't mow the lawn.
Well, I woke up this morning and found a SECOND NOTICE in the mailbox. And I will mention, in all pettiness, that whoever wrote it had horrible penmanship.... and they should be ashamed. If anything though, at the time it just made me feel more guilty. I resolved then and there that I would mow the lawn before work, but after I attempted to drop off another resume. (Unfortunately that whole trek was a complete waste of time as the receptionist gave me the wrong office hours, unhurrah! -- also unhurrah, I found out later that the place doesn't allow their employees to have piercings expect for on the ears... because god knows that people with facial piercings are horrible people who eats young babies and children and sometimes sacrifice virgins and elderly people to their pagan god Trom Kor) I arrived back at home around 1:30 and with a begrudging sigh I went to change into something more appropriate -- if you know what I'm saying. I had no more than begun removing my belt when I heard a lawnmower start up in the backyard. "You have got to be kidding me." So I ran to the door, threw on some shoes and ran to the backyard where I near accosted my landlord trying to get his attention. "I was just changing my pants so that I could come out and mow the lawn," I said with my belt hanging open and limp from its hoops. "I'm so sorry [which I wasn't], but I was really busy yesterday [another lie, but a white one, no point in hurting his feelings]." Blah blah blah. Conversation over. I walk away mildly relieved that for another week at least I don't have mow the lawn.
Anyways, what I'm angry about mostly, is that he didn't even give me 24 hours. He was almost finished mowing the lawn by the time I got home. And THEN... he was going to charge me 40 bucks. But if you don't even give me the opportunity to do it...... urgh. What a joke!! I should at least have been given a couple of days.... and besides the guy who came around the first time said that I just needed to mow it before it rained again. Well, guess what? It hasn't rained yet. So , technically, I still have time old man.
Some man who works for my landlord came to the door yesterday morning and asked me if I could mow the backyard. Naturally, I said yes. After all, I do realize it's my responsibility. Still in my defense I'd like to add that I am not used to doing yard work of any kind. If anything, I helped my mother in her garden. (And that I avoided like the plague because I hate all bugs. I'm a wimp regarding them.] In fact, I've never mowed a lawn in my life. It's not really something that comes up on my to do list. Which is exactly why I hadn't done it: it never occurred to me. In addition, I never go to the backyard, so I never see how tall the grass is growing.
I didn't mow the lawn yesterday. Despite it being my day off, I had had two interviews earlier in the day (one of which I actually got the job for, hurrah! -- though I have a sneaking suspicion that I was the only person to drop off a resume) and I was incredibly tired when I got home around 3:00. I took a nap. Well, I slept for close to five hours and when I woke up I didn't feel much better. So, I didn't mow the lawn.
Well, I woke up this morning and found a SECOND NOTICE in the mailbox. And I will mention, in all pettiness, that whoever wrote it had horrible penmanship.... and they should be ashamed. If anything though, at the time it just made me feel more guilty. I resolved then and there that I would mow the lawn before work, but after I attempted to drop off another resume. (Unfortunately that whole trek was a complete waste of time as the receptionist gave me the wrong office hours, unhurrah! -- also unhurrah, I found out later that the place doesn't allow their employees to have piercings expect for on the ears... because god knows that people with facial piercings are horrible people who eats young babies and children and sometimes sacrifice virgins and elderly people to their pagan god Trom Kor) I arrived back at home around 1:30 and with a begrudging sigh I went to change into something more appropriate -- if you know what I'm saying. I had no more than begun removing my belt when I heard a lawnmower start up in the backyard. "You have got to be kidding me." So I ran to the door, threw on some shoes and ran to the backyard where I near accosted my landlord trying to get his attention. "I was just changing my pants so that I could come out and mow the lawn," I said with my belt hanging open and limp from its hoops. "I'm so sorry [which I wasn't], but I was really busy yesterday [another lie, but a white one, no point in hurting his feelings]." Blah blah blah. Conversation over. I walk away mildly relieved that for another week at least I don't have mow the lawn.
Anyways, what I'm angry about mostly, is that he didn't even give me 24 hours. He was almost finished mowing the lawn by the time I got home. And THEN... he was going to charge me 40 bucks. But if you don't even give me the opportunity to do it...... urgh. What a joke!! I should at least have been given a couple of days.... and besides the guy who came around the first time said that I just needed to mow it before it rained again. Well, guess what? It hasn't rained yet. So , technically, I still have time old man.
Where'd you get the job? And is he definitely charging you the forty bucks? Cause we lost more than forty dollars worth from the crappy refrigerator.