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here's the edit for a collaboration project i did with the wonderful poet hedda hakvag for my write 399 class.
hedda found the source material on parasitism (which she thought, and i agree, works well with the idea of conceptual poetry) and we took turns editing. i did the first set (pages two and three) and she finished it off (pages four, five and six).
for our edit, hedda produced the sound clip. i was hoping to create an animation or something along those lines to accompany but suffered from severe animator's block.
luckily, i remembered some sweet data visualization applets created by diana lange that i came across a few days earlier. the apps allows you to load your own text and converts it into abstract images. they are quite beautiful.* the text has not changed from the original edit. however, i played with format a lot.

*if you are interested in data visualization, boris muller is also worth checking out.
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