
21.10.10 2 comments

i want one more than anything else. so much so that it makes my heart hurt. fingers crossed that this christmas my dreams come true. dear santa and/or secret santa sibling, i know they are endangered but they are mega cute and i would be a good mama. i promise.

, ,


30.3.10 0 comments

here's the edit for a collaboration project i did with the wonderful poet hedda hakvag for my write 399 class.

hedda found the source material on parasitism (which she thought, and i agree, works well with the idea of conceptual poetry) and we took turns editing. i did the first set (pages two and three) and she finished it off (pages four, five and six).

for our edit, hedda produced the sound clip. i was hoping to create an animation or something along those lines to accompany but suffered from severe animator's block.

luckily, i remembered some sweet data visualization applets created by diana lange that i came across a few days earlier. the apps allows you to load your own text and converts it into abstract images. they are quite beautiful.* the text has not changed from the original edit. however, i played with format a lot.

*if you are interested in data visualization, boris muller is also worth checking out.


sorry folks but this is all i got

23.2.10 0 comments

I'm supposed to write an allegory for my conceptual poetry class but I'm drawing a major blank. So... I decided to do the allegory about me and my empty brain.

girl's first real animation

18.2.10 2 comments

Around this time last year, I rediscovered Don Hertzfeldt's animations and decided that I wanted to learn how to animate.

I accidentally sketched a grumpy owl at work a couple weeks ago. So, I used him as the subject. The music is a mash-up of The Wave Pictures "I Love You Like a Mad Man." Good song.

Here's my first real animation, yo!

Please note: my skills of animation and music manipulation are in the fetal stages. (But I'm still excited that I created this.)


7.2.10 1 comments

Got the idea for this while drawing with some friends a few weeks ago.



apparently I like painting flaming red hair

28.1.10 0 comments